Friday, December 5, 2008

The Goodbye

She tip-toed once again into my dreams today,
Cold as December,with the Warmth of May,
With her gentle touch,she told me it is for real,
With a dagger of love in her hands,she told me there's nothing to fear,
I held her close,I never wanted her out of my sight,
But she just said--"Go to sleep baby,everything is all right",

I closed my eyes,saw her smiling in that magical light,
Like a paradise of dreamers,I was just living in black and white,
She was like an angel,not a hint of lies in those eyes,
But she just pretended to be a devil in disguise,
And as the dawn broke,I saw hate trickling down her face,
The dagger was inside my heart now,it was just one of her beautiful ways,
To bid a final goodbye,she closed the door and said....."Go to sleep baby,everything is all right".....



Thorny Wines Of Words ~k~ said...

Like a paradise of dreamers,I was just living in black and white

^^^mah fav lines...
beautiful work shubhit...calm,sweet , simple....and enchanting!

RIDZ said...

wel i do agree..enchantn it is!!

i'd cal it mesmerising!! man!! u hv playd wel wid d wurdz u noe... very vivid i must add...

Brassic Bhai said...

was good, the december and may ones

plus i liked the two ways in which you used "dagger" as in how it infiltrated you as love and then how the same stuff pierced your heart, now i liked that stuff there

though if you tryna put lotta rhymes in one line and then next line comes with no rhyme, poem loses that masala in it man, find a constant rhythm for the poem, thats what i felt

Unknown said...

never expected this out of u,own creation not bad....

Sunyo said...

the most painful goodbyes are those wich are never said...