Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Clockwork Nothing

Clockwork-like lives, we all are cuckoo in our own special ways,
I ought to limit my characters to 140 to be trending to be trendy,
It makes me sleep tight when my likes feed the hungry,
With laws governing love,they shall trap our thoughts under more sections someday,
So,I told them my heart's of no use now,they made me believe I have OLX, I should just Bech-de,
Like a scrabble game without a board,our words are pointless,
We have conversations that candies crush,we're just a smart card in the metro rush,
Clockwork-like lives, we're all cuckoo in our own special ways,
We are the cigarettes and coffee between 9 to 5,
We are the sighs between bitten nails and being alive,
The minister's chair is like a seat in the car in that movie,Fear and loathing,
They kill our Hobbes to create new ones, just to say Calvins are boring,
Like abandoned airports,only our farewells are walking through security checks,
We have dream like horses,we search for people who would place their bets,
So lets create stories without bookmarks,
Lets create our own happy hours!
Clockwork-like lives, we're all cuckoo in our own special ways.

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